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The Impact of Your Physical Health on Your Relationships with Your Spouse and Friends: Exceeding Your Physical Health

The Impact of Your Physical Health on Your Relationships with Your Spouse and Friends: Exceeding Your Physical Health

                In my view, the most important part that affects our relationships with our loved ones is physical health. Our physical health affects our mental health and spiritual health. Our physical health is determined by our lifestyle. This includes our daily diet and our daily activity or lack thereof. If we do not have the right thinking and discipline, our physical health will suffer dramatically. If we do not live a healthy lifestyle, we will age rapidly with poor physical and mental health. To be happy we have to maintain a healthy body and mind and our happiness determines how much we relate to our loved ones.

               Our bodies talk to us 24/7, 365 days a year and the problem is that we don’t listen. If you feel any pain, feel drowsy, lack energy and if you are a little heavy then don't ignore what your body tells you. Lie on your back and do something about it. When we feel good, our outlook on life is more positive and God-like. As we become more negative about life because of our physical health, we become less like God.

It is a snowball effect in which our physical health affects our mental health, which in turn affects our spiritual health. All of this affects our relationships with our loved ones. If we feel good about ourselves, we will be more caring and kind to our spouse, family, and friends. In addition to personal and employment issues, our mental state is closely related to our physical condition. Therefore, we benefit from doing everything possible to stay physically and mentally healthy. Our physical and mental health will help us to deal better with any stressful situation that arises from our daily interactions. Keep in mind that time is not on your side because if you are in that position when you are going to start an exercise and make a change in your lifestyle, then you are stopping yourself. The longer you take to get your body and mind in shape, the worse your condition will be. The healthier you are, the healthier you are in your daily interactions.

The Impact of Your Spiritual Health on Your Relationship with Your Spouse and Friends: Conquering Your Spiritual Health

            For the love of God, whoever reads this article, if you are physically, mentally and spiritually active, please continue to do so and if you are not physically and mentally active, do yourself a favor and become more active Because you don’t want to die slowly physically and mentally in your golden years. Do this for yourself and your loved ones. Your spiritual health is the pinnacle of your physical and mental health. It is a God-like state of mind that allows you to live a wonderful life. A life full of love, care, and compassion is spiritual life. This was Jesus' teaching. It is the spirit of loving life, respecting life, treating everyone, and living with every living respect that makes us spiritual in the likeness of our Creator. It doesn't matter if you visit the prayer house on a weekly basis, but as long as you meditate/pray in your secret place (inner state) and maintain a constant relationship with God in your own way. Your spiritual health will determine the health of your relationship together with your spouse, your children, your friends and your community.

For more information, read Mountain Loving by Henry Grayson and Sarman by Emmet Fox. - Click Me

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