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Elliptical Workout 3 benefits of working with elliptical

Elliptical Workout 3 benefits of working with elliptical

If you’re trying to decide between an elliptical trainer and another piece of exercise equipment, consider the workout benefits the ellipsis has provided. What's so special about an elliptical workout? Here are 3 unique benefits of using your elliptical trainer for a workout:

# 1) Forward and backward motion provides better workout results

Almost all elliptical trainers provide both forward and backward motion (also called dual action motion). This allows you to work different sets of muscle groups in your legs (hamstrings vs quads) that burn more calories, tone more muscles and have a better overall body workout.

You can't go backwards on a treadmill (OK, you can do this, but it can be difficult. And sitting backwards on a bike may not be so helpful. The dual action capability of your elliptical trainer helps you work more muscles Plus you have the potential to burn more calories

# 2) You get a lower effect workout

A properly designed elliptical trainer mimics your body's natural progression - rotating your legs elliptically while walking, running or jogging. Straight forward in a forward or reverse motion. Your feet never let go of the paddles.

Because of this, the effect is basically eliminated and the overall stress on your knees, hips and back, joints and back is reduced. (Just make sure you get a properly designed elliptical trainer - not one of the cheapest department store versions!)

Due to the low impact of elliptical workouts, the elderly population or those who are more prone to sports injuries, elliptical machines are becoming very popular.

# 3) Upper Body Arm Bars Help You Burn More Calories And Get An Overall Body Workout

Many elliptical trainers provide the outer straps of the upper body. Working both legs and externally increases your heart rate faster which encourages your body to burn calories faster and more efficiently.

It also results in lower rates of hard work (basically you don’t feel like you really did as much as you did). This may mean that you will burn more calories, even without feeling like you have worked out too much.

By offering fur to the upper body, an elliptical trainer workout also helps you tone your arms, shoulders and back for a better definition.

Elliptical trainer workouts have many advantages over other exercise machines. It gives you an overall body workout that burns extra calories and provides you an additional efficient workout. Just make sure you choose one that meets your needs and is properly designed for maximum comfort.

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