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Best tips for getting your New Year's health problem

Best tips for getting your New Year's health problem

It's the same every year. We overindulge during the Christmas holidays and then panic over the new year, we will never let a new chocolate pass through our lips again. With resolute decisions, we decide to go to the gym and promise that we will stick to it this time. Then comes suddenly February and somehow these promises have fallen by the wayside and we have proudly put our resolutions back on the back burner.

So what's the trick to sticking to this bold fitness and health goals we've created? How can we avoid failure? Is there a secret?

The truth is that there is no quick fix. I'm a big fan of setting goals, but I think around January when the problem arises, we make those goals unrealistic and causal. Then when we fall off the bandwagon and experience this horrible feeling of failure, and so the cycle continues.

Before you think about deciding on your fitness resolutions, ask yourself "Do I really want to achieve this? Am I really ready to do what I take? How much am I willing to change?" Here are some tips to help you set your goals.

1. Set a proper timeline. Nothing happens overnight with long-term, medium and short-term goals for the entire year instead of trying to achieve everything in one month.

2. Don't test your entire lifestyle at once. Focus on one or two changes at a time, for example; If you want to quit smoking, stop drinking, start exercising and cleanse your diet, all of these are big changes and if you try to change them all in one place it probably won't work. Focus on winning one at a time.

3. Write down your goals and put them in the fridge. This will help you keep your resolutions in mind, it will help you if you tell friends or colleagues as they will remind you of the promises they made!

Do not hit yourself if you slide once or twice. Too often, slip-ups are used as an excuse to give up completely, this is not acceptable! Your. Set goals with your spouse or friend, some moral support will last longer! Plus, exercising alone is not as fun as a workout friend.

6. Make a plan. If you do not know where you are in the beginning or where you are going, you will be chasing your own tail! Take action, jump on the scary scales, write a food diary, plan your workouts at the beginning of each week - arrange! Self. Be honest with yourself ... just because someone hasn't seen you eating an M&M package, it doesn't mean it hasn't happened!

8. Take child steps. You won't hurt yourself when you hit the pavement for 10k runs when you haven't built it but it completely shuts you off. Start with 2-3K, create walk-k-run intervals, and maybe in 3 months you reach that 10K mark.

luck and remember that lifestyle changes are not just for the new years, they are for life!

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