
Friday, December 11, 2020

Traffic Ivy - viral traffic platform


Traffic Ivy is a cloud-based software that lets you get GOOD people sharing your content/links on their blogs and social media accounts - and (optionally) find a constantly fresh flow of GOOD quality content to share on your sites. 

It's easy to use, lets people see results fast, and see exactly where people are sharing their content.  Our community-based rating system ensures your content is being shared by reputable people!

Post Your Links

It's easy with our step-by-step campaign wizard.  Post your content, choose how many shares you want and activate.  It will be displayed in the Traffic Ivy marketplace.

You'll Get Real Shares

Your campaigns will be published on our network of Wordpress blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit and LinkedIn pages and YouYube accounts with traffic starting in minutes!

View/Rate Your Traffic

As your shares are being delivered, you'll be given links directly to the page your content can be seen, then you can rate that traffic making sure only the best sites stay active.


And see what some of the top marketing minds online have to say about it too!

- Jono Armstrong

- Demetris D-Papa

- Mike Moffit

What Audiences Will Love Traffic Ivy?

Want some ideas for the kinds of people who will use Traffic Ivy - and how they can use it?  Look at this list below for some ideas!

Social Media Marketers

Make any content you share go viral, have hundreds of people share your post, linking to an article or twitter comment, or anything you want to get more eyeballs to.

Affiliate Marketers

Create content, post it anywhere you like and send your affiliate link onto 10's, 100's or 1,000's of sites with a single click.  It's an affiliate marketers dream come true! 

Ecommerce Marketers

Got an E-Commerce store? Let Traffic Ivy members spread the word around. You can even put your product posts directly on their blogs or social feeds!

Local Marketers

Traffic Ivy members can share your ads for any business, including local business. It’s far better (and delivers better results) than distributing pamphlets that no one even reads

Website Owners

A website without traffic is like a car you never drive but pay for the parking anyway. You can display banners for more traffic points, or use your points for traffic to your websites


Using the Wordpress plugin you can automate content creation and turn your blog into a viral traffic generation machine by also automating publishing of your new posts for more shares!

Beginner Marketers

You don't even need to have a website to make this work and with the friendly support team, and a lovely community, you're in the right place to make your startup thrive

Video Marketers

Our extensive network contains a lot of YouTube accounts, that you can upload YOUR videos directly to - and post whatever you'd like in their description! 

SEO Freelancers

We all know how much Google loves relevant, targeted backlinks in high value blogs... this is your ticket to as many backlinks as you choose, placing your articles on 100's of blogs!

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