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How to stay healthy and sane despite being healthy and different

How to stay healthy and sane despite being healthy and different

In the age of corona-virus, we are asked to respond in ways we did not imagine; Especially to self-isolate ... stay home. When we study self-isolation, we should be aware of not only our physical health, but also our emotional well-being. We must be healthy and discreet.

I can think of no other way to do it than physical activity and movement. The importance of physical activity and movement is not new. It is the beginning of time. The ability to move, walk, jump, climb, lift, carry, crawl, throw, and hold things was crucial to survival.
Physical activity જોકે although not necessarily driven by pre-historic times-is just as important today; Even more so when you're shut-in. Regardless of your age, hes, pain, mental or physical abilities or disability, you can and should engage in certain types of physical activity if you aim to stay healthy and discreet during challenging or difficult times.
It feels good to be “out and about” with friends, however, you don’t necessarily get the physical activity and mental stimulation you need. In fact, there's a simple and easy way to put both into your day ... just move on. People who are blessed with good physical and emotional health move forward naturally and regularly, indoors or outdoors.

Moving forward naturally is to incorporate your day’s activity that doesn’t take a lot of time, thought or effort. Examples of natural movement activities include: standing while talking on the phone, marching while watching your favorite television show or movie, dancing to your favorite music (anytime, anywhere), standing or walking while sitting, Swing from the side while cooking. Even small daily movements, such as cleaning, dusting, mopping or going to turn off the light, during the day or week. Big or small movements, it all matters.
Sometimes, i'm asked, "Are you sitting during a rocking chair?" It depends. I once read that our 35th U.S. The president used a rocking chair to ease his back pain. While rocking has some health benefits, there are other ways to move that more accurately meet the defined definition of physical activity and natural movement. Of course, rocking back in a chair is better than nothing.
The bottom line is this: Find the natural movement of your choice. Then, make it a daily habit. Be consistent, sincere and passionate. See each occasion as an opportunity to move. It doesn't matter if you are sitting or standing, just walk. People who move forward naturally have a better quality of life (and are san nier) than those who do not.

Be healthy ... be sensible ... be active.
Daisy Sanders writes and speaks on positive / healthy aging and personal empowerment. It teaches Zumba Gold (a dance fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves) for older active adults and people with mobility challenges.

Daisy is the author of ZAP ... 50 Nuggets for Navigating the Second Part of Life and Big Eyes Business ... Big Ideas for Achieving Best Success in Business and Life.

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